Titel: "He May Be Old, But He's Got Young Ideas"                

Komponist: Howard Johnson, Alex Gerber, Harry Jentes

Texter: Dsgl.

Verlag: Leo. Feist Inc., New York

Erscheinungsjahr: 1916

Druckerei: Keine Angabe

Graphiker: Signiert

Sammlungsnummer: 7459


Auch im Alter von 82 Jahren kann man noch viel anstellen:


Colonel Jenkins is a gray old sport

Tho' he is past eighty two

He loves pleasure of most any sort,

Craves most anything new

He don't stay at home like old men should

That seems to give him the blues,

He looks here, and there, travels ev'rywhere,

just to be amused:



He may be old but he's got young ideas,

And he's a devil in his way,

Tho' he's knockneed and feeble and walks with a cane,

When he's with the girls he forget that he's lame,

He loves to go.

To ev'ry beauty show and orders tea in each cafe,

Astronomy's a thing he doesn't know about,

But still he's at the stage door when the "stars" come out

He maybe old but he's got young ideas,

And there's a hundred million like him to day.


Colonels eyes are bad abd he can't hear,

Still he's just crazy to flirt

And the only music to his ear,

Is the sound of a skirt,

He's been married once or twice before,

And a few wars he's been thro',

Still he's got some sense, says he feels immense,

he's ambitious too:



He may be old but he's got young ideas,

He surely knows a good thing too,

Now it's one of his pleasures to stand all day long

On some busy street where the winds blowing strong,

All over town.

He loves to roam around and visit evry cabaret,

He laughs when doctors tell him that he's "almost in".

He claims there's lots of good tunes in an old vi'lin

He maybe old but he's got young ideas,

And there's a hundred million like him to day.


Bei You Tube gibt es zwei schöne Clips mit dem alten Song.